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Ebony Dixon is an ex Army brat. And even though she moved around most of her life, she has been in Columbia SC for the past 20 plus years. So she considers herself to be a native of Columbia. She has also been a cosmetologist for the past 19 years. Hair care has definitely been a passion for her but in the last decade, she has discovered a passion for the gift of poetry. She calls it a gift because it was never a part of her life's plan. Instead it is a part of GOD's plan for her life. And her ultimate goal is to share it with the world.


Over the years she has been invited to many different venues including schools, weddings, churches, the Black Expo event (held annually in Columbia SC) and many more to share the words that GOD has given her to uplift and encourage people everywhere. She has also done radio commercials and theme songs to radio shows on WFMV 95.3 out of Columbia SC. Currently she is a part of "Fabulous Friday a Night of Clean Entertainment", which is held quarterly at Shaw Airforce Base in Sumter SC. For more information on that event, go to On top of that, many doors have been opened for her to grace the stages with artist such as, Lucinda Moore, DeWayne Woods, Doc McKenzie, Canton Jones, Kierra Sheard, Da Truth and Tye Tribbett.


She absolutely considers her poetry to be a ministry. And that this is just the beginning of great things to come. And although this journey gets tough and sometimes she wants to give up, she keeps in mind that it's not about her. And that their are people attached to her life that need her and she needs them. So quitting is not an option!

She is inspired by her faith, life, the people that surround her and definately her fellow poets. Her prayer is that at least one person thinks about GOD when she stops speaking..

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